Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Letter #8

an yong hah say yo!
Happy birthday Ashley and Colin! I hope you both had wonderful birthdays!
Thank you Aunt Terri and Aunt Cindy for your letters! They really meant so much to me to hear your inspirational advice and to fill me in on what is happening with your families! I am happy to hear that all is well and so many new and exciting adventures are happening!
Also thank you so much Brother Carlson for the note on what to do for investigators without a Christian background! You have no idea how much that helped me this week and how much I used your advice. It changed my perspective and I know that it will not only help me here but out in the field as well!
So yesterday my companions and I had an adventure! My companion, Sister Wells-Longshore, was sick so we got to leave the MTC and go to the BYU Health Center down the street! I was so so so excited for our fieldtrip and my poor companions had to hear me singing and talking to everyone about it! It was a beautiful day and the perfect day to escape the MTC! I have to admit that it felt nice to leave, even for the twenty or so minutes that we were gone. As we were walking to the Health Center, people kept stopping and talking to us on the streets! That is when it hit me - I AM A MISSIONARY!!!! It was so cool! I loved every minute of it and it really made me even more excited to get out in the field and get to work!
So this week was absolutely wonderful! We were visited by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland and Alex Boye this week! I know a complete contrast, but they were both so inspiring and wonderful! I was able to sing in the choir for when Elder Holland spoke. His talk was amazing! He pretty much told us bluntley what we were supposed to be doing as the Lord's missionaries! No one knew that he was coming to speak, and as he entered the room, the spirit was so strong and I knew that he was an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ! It was a wonderful experience! Something that I absolutely loved that he said was, "Rise to the full height of your stature." This really made an impression on me! To be missionaries for the Lord, whether set-apart or member missionaries, we need to be our full selves and do our very best in every situation. This is what the Lord expects of us. I believe that each one of us needs to live this principle everyday so that we can be an instrument in the Lord's hands everyday of our lives.
Alex Boye's message was wonderful too! He spoke to us on the importance of positive self-talk and how that will influence our futures! He explained that when we believe we can't do something or that we are not as good as someone else, we are being selfish because we are thinking of only ourselves! He said that as we have faith in ourselves and do our best, we will be able to be happy and be a positive influence in other's lives. I loved that he explained how we can turn any situation into a postive one. I believe this completely! We can always find good in every situation; we just have to focus on that part! We all have been blessed with unique talents and ablities for specific reasons. We need to love those and use them to influence others for good and bring happiness into our own lives!
Because my companion was sick, I missed sacrament meeting with her on Sunday. The Elders in my district did a special sacrament for the two of us. It was the first time that I have experienced this. The spirit was so strong and I was touched by the reverance that the elders had. The priesthood is powerful and so real! Dad, I am so blessed that you are a worthy priesthood holder and have given me this example in my life! And I am so happy to have both of my brothers have this priesthood. It has truly blessed my life and I know that it is the power of God on earth!
I love each one of you! I am so happy to be here and be doing what I am doing at this time! This is a once in a lifetime experience and I am grateful to have it! I hope that you all have a wonderful week!
Sister Kersey

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